Suara akpro

Blog Bidang Akademis dan Profesi IME FTUI 2018, Sarana Informasi dan Pembelajaran Mahasiswa Departeman Teknik Elektro

Monday, 30 October 2017

TWINCLE PROGRAM 2018 - Exchange Program

Exchange Program between Chiba University, Japan and partner university across ASEAN.

TWINCLE is an education and social culture exchange program between Faculty of Education, Chiba University, Japan and partner university across the ASEAN, including UI. For this program, the quota for UI is only 1 student and the eligible student will be granted with JASSO Scholarship partially (You have to spent more by yourself, prepare and consider this condition).

Please consider the program condition below:

1. For Undergraduate/Graduate student of Universitas Indonesia, minimum batch 2015

2. Period: Feb 8 - Feb 20

3. Good manner and affective expecially in communication

4. Fluent English or English Certification is not needed, but a plus point for selection

5. GPA: min. 3.2 of 4.0

6. Expense Projection JPY130,000 ~ JPY150,000 (include Air Ticket, Dormitory (JPY 15,000 ~ JPY20,000

7. JASSO Scholarship: JPY80,000 (Not paid on the first day of the program, maybe on the last day of first week)

For application and further information:
Ibam, Tekkom'11/E'16
Whatsapp: +6285881186694
LINE ID: bamski
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1 komentar:

Unknown said...

Assalamu alaikum wr wb...saya agustina member MBAH SANGKIL yang berhasil,angka yang di berikan MBAH SANGKIL kemarin 4d SGP tembus 100%,syukur alhamdulillah dapat kemenangan (400.juta) terima kasih banyak MBAH SANGKIL,berkat bantuanny saya sudah bisa melunasi hutang bapak saya sama rentenir,dan bukan hanya itu MBAH saya juga sudah bangunkan rumah untuk kedua orang tua,bagi teman-teman pecinta nomor togel kalau mau menang s eperti saya lansung hubungi MBAH SANGKIL di nomor hp: 0852-1049-3757 tidak usah di ragukan lagi karna saya sudah membuktikannya adapun bantuan lainnya selain pesugihan nomor togel (1.) Pesugihan Uang Ghaib (2) Pesugihan Minyak Penarik Uang (3) Pesugihan Uang Balik (4) Pesugihan Bank Ghaib (5) Pesugihan Tuyul (6) Pelet Ampuh (7) Transfer Janin